There are many types of careers with different Job Titles all around us. In this article we are going to inform you with the main ideas of types of Careers and Job Titles in some of them as this a vast network and can not be covered in one article.
- Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports and Media Occupations:
- LEGAL OCCUPATIONS: This category includes all the individuals performing their jobs in the court or outside the court but the Job is always related to legal working. This includes Lawyers, Barristers, Judges, Solicitors, Legal (law) clerks ETC.
This occupation involves all the individuals performing their tasks in the production lines. These can include Production managers, staff at the productions lines, staff controlling the robots used in production.
★Below are other occupations such as:
- Engineering Occupations
- Medical Occupations
- Architecture Occupations
- Food Occupations
- Farming Occupations
- Fishing Occupations
- Agriculture Occupations
- Military Occupations
- Construction Occupations
- Personal Service And Care Occupations
- Sales
We hope now you have a exact knowledge and know the TYPES OF CAREERS AND THEIR CORRESPONDING JOB TITLES
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To get more answers read more of our articles because as you know our motive is "BECAUSE IT'S YOU THAT MATTERS !"