Job security is known as the state of having Job that is secured and from which one is unlikely to be dismissed. Job security is an assurance that an individual will keep his or her Job without the risk of becoming unemployed. One will have continuity in employment and it may be from the terms of a Contract of  Employment or Collective Bargaining Agreement(labor legislation) that prevents 
    An Employment contract is a signed agreement between an individual employee ad an employer or a labor union. It establishes both the right and responsibilities of the right and responsibilities of the two parties, the worker and the company.
    • Employment Contract Includes :

    1. Salary and Wages
    2. Hours of working/Days of working
    3. General Responsibilities
    4. Confidentiality(this may include to sign a separate NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT) or a statement in the contract 
    5. Communications
    6. Beneftts
    7. Future competitions
    8. ETC

    • NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT is a legal agreement in which one party promises to keep trade secrets and other secrets and not to leak any information about company until approved by higher management.
    •  What is Collective Bargaining Agreement?
    These are same as contract of employment but the difference is that in Collective Bargaining Agreement the negotiations are made from both of the sides while in Contract Of Employment no negotiations are made one have to sign it to do the job.
    • Lack of Job Security
    Job Insecurity is a social phenomenon meaning that it is experienced as a subjective perception about employment and unemployment,and it reflects the insecurity,uncertainity,powerlessness,and helplessness that occur when an individual lacks the assurance that their job will remain stable.
    Job insecurity leads to many problems. Living with a secure job and insecure job is discussed in next article. Right now we are going to tell you about causes of the Job Insecurity.
    • Reasons for the successfulness of Job Insecurity :

    1. Downsizing:  This is the lowering of operations of an organisation which may include redundancies and unemployment.
    2. Financial Crisis: Financial crisis may lead to delay of payment of salaries and in long term may lead to unemployment and redundancies.
    3. Lack Of Experience: this may be faced by both the organisation(poor management may lead to closure) and the labor (unable to perform his tasks and may be fired)
    4. Technological Changes: Such as process innovation or change in the production methods or other factors may lead to unemployment, redundancies, and firing of the workers that are no more needed by the firm.
    5. Not cooperative senior management
    6. Acts by Employee : such as irresponsible attitude towards job, carelessness on duty, ETC.

    We hope now you have a exact knowledge and know the proper difference between the two terms 1)JOB SECURITY  and 2)JOB INSECURITY. To get more answers read more of our articles because as you know our motive is "BECAUSE IT'S YOU THAT MATTERS !"